Course Content

The course content is designed around the specific questions of the attendees however the following points are usually covered:

How feed painfree in various positions
How Long per side
What can you eat?
Difference between formula and breastmilk
How do you know if you are producing enough milk?
Where to get help?
When should you top up?
How often should you feed?
How do you feed descretely?
How do you know if a baby is hungry or just needs comfort?
Tongue Tie what do you do?
Supply issues how do you fix them?

What to do if your baby will not feed?
Infant mental health issues
How to share the load with Dad
Sleeping through the night
Routine vs. Demand Feeding
10 Steps of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
What "stuff" do you really need to buy as a new parent?

For those of you who what a bit more detail.  I created a powerpoint presentation that I gave to the Southland Midwives.   You can get a copy of it here.  Might be a bit of an over kill but I still think you might find some good information there.

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