Sunday, December 19, 2010

Stateside breastfeeding observations

I have been back in the states for 5 days now and have yet to see a baby being breastfed.  Or many babies for that matter, nor pregnant women.  I have seen two pregnant women all up since arriving.  Babies seem to live in front packs, which is encouraging but was quite saddened by the obvious sale of breast feeding capes, next to bottles that were so cute that even the bottle hesitant me was tempted to buy one.  So maybe babies are being breastfed they are just being hidden as if they are too shocking to be seen by the general public.  I must explore this.  It must just be that I am not in the right locations but it reminds me of my friend Sophia's quest to find a squirrel while she was Stateside and he subsequent failure to find one.  Will a confident breastfeeding mother be as elusive to find?  Have I just become so used to Kiwi mothers relaxed feeding style that I have forgotten after 10 years what the breastfeeding culture is like in the States?  I am in San Francisco so I expected a degree of openness here.  Now mind you it is winter so that could definitely be a factor.  But I am intrigued by this.  Stay tuned...I will look harder.

1 comment:

  1. 6 Weeks in the states and I didn't see one breastfeeding mother in public. Crazy
