"Boobs in the Berries" Antenatal Classes are funny, fun, and - most of all - useful. The Classes are for families who are still pregnant. Your boobs will thank you (pain-free breastfeeding is a good thing), your midwife will thank you (you will get off on the right foot), your partner will thank you (gives them an idea of what they can do to help), but most of all your baby will thank you (you will find out why at class).
Classes are taught on an organic Blueberry Farm. Why an organic blueberry farm? Because it is beautiful, delicious, and a lovely day out... And also because, Mandi Lynn (that's me) lives there, my studio is there, and I love to have people around, so why would I hold it anywhere else?
In my position as a Lactation Consultant for the Hutt Valley DHB, I developed a two-hour long class that attempted to cram in everything that I see as important for breastfeeding success. The classes were an overwhelming success and began bursting at the seams very quickly. The Lead Maternity Carers were all sending me their clients, because they found that when they did, their clients emerged with a much more solid start in breastfeeding, and had significantly fewer problems. The Hospital Midwives all commented that they could easily tell when a mother had been to my class because she took to breastfeeding like a duck to water.
I have stepped down from my role at the DHB to focus on my farm and photography, but I couldn't give up all of my work with mums and babies, so thus was born "Boobs in the Berries." (Actually, it started out as Boobs in the Bushes, but then when I Googled it, got a bit of a shock... I figured that wasn't where I wanted to be leading people, and Boobs in the Berries seemed much tamer to Google.)
My classes are practical, fun, and entertaining. You will actually practice with a doll or stuffed animal and will get support to learn:

- How do you achieve pain-free feeding?
- How do you get sleep with a baby that is feeding around the clock?
- What do you do if your baby just will not feed in the beginning?
- How to know if your baby is getting enough milk?
- How long and how often do the little guys need to feed?
- Can you have a glass of wine and breastfeed?
- What about demand feeding versus routine feeding?
- Which modern day parenting practices have a negative impact on baby's instinctual feeding skills?
- What is an effective winding techniques to help prevent colic?
- What to eat when you are breastfeeding.
- Practical tips of how your partner can help you to succeed at breastfeeding as well as give you a little break.
- The truth about baby formula.
- What if you don't have enough milk?
- What if you have too much milk?
- The Neurodevelopmental aspects of breastfeeding (how your baby's brain is getting wired and why what you do matters so much).
- Tips for creating harmony and relaxation around the house with a new baby.
- What ever other questions the group has.
There is no fee charged for the course, but a $20.00 per person koha would enable us to provide breastfeeding support for those with less financial means in the Wellington region.
What to bring:
- Yourself
- Togs if you want to go swimming (we have a beautiful swimming hole at the farm)
- Your support person
- Togs for them if they want to go swimming too
- A doll or stuffed animal that is roughly the size of a newborn
- A picnic if you want, or if you are feeling decadent you can just elect to eat buttermilk pancakes and a bluesky blueberry milkshake in our sweet shop.
- A picnic blanket would be good as well, as depending on the weather we may have the class in the meadow or in the Tipi.
- Sensible shoes for walking on a farm.
Register for Antenatal Classes here:
7 Feb 2010
14 Feb 2010
21 Feb 2010
28 Feb 2010